
The Old CJ2A Page Message Archive

Please see Questions and Answers for some topics that frequently appear on this board. As you can see, this board loads rather slowly. If you are posting something for sale, please remember to include your location since someone who might otherwise be interested might not be able to use a part or a vehicle that is too far away. Posting your location when you're selling something that needs to be hauled will save everyone's time (and reduce the number of posts on this already too-slow message board). Thanks.

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Jeep Proving Groungs Jeep Inc.

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Posted by Gary Arf on May 27, 2005 at 22:00:50:

I bought a jeep on e-bay a while back, thinking I would use it for parts, but as I look at the things that are on it, it becomes more important as it is,as it has never been never taken apart. I am now only trying to just remove the grease without taking it down any further. Any good grease removers or is it just the same ole elbow grease to remove the 60 year old stuff? Any new products out their? This Jeep is in good mech. shape just needs a good cleaning and a rattle can. This jeep may be of historical value and I want to keep it as close to the vehicle it was in it's day.

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